Mind Your Own Mortgage by By Robert Bernabe

02 Jun

So i do reviews for books and i got one from booksneeze called Mind your own Mortgage. I am looking at purchasing a new home andMind your own Mortgage this book could have not come at a better time. Mind your own Mortgage starts off with how the housing market got into the mess it is in today (2010). Then it goes into detail on what is going wrong with people and how they handle their mortgage. I feel one of the most important points that was made in the book was that when you purchase something today that you really don't need you are borrowing against your mortgage. Even if you have as little as 75$ a month to put on your mortgage do it. The worksheets that are presented show you how to shop and get good pricing on your mortgage. The one annoyance i have is that when you go to the website to get the forms you need to subscribe to the site. Now the cost at this writing is only 29.95 for a year. Not allot of money, but was not expected, how naive of me. :-D So anyway i read Gods plan for your finances before reading this book, and that got the ball rolling. Mind your own Mortgage reinforced the information i got from Gods plan for your finances. I am currently reading Money management for those who don't have any. It has some good info, and some things that i would not ever want to do, but this is not the place to review it.

So since i spend time writing software and not much is available for Linux in regards to good financial software i thought i would write something for myself to help me keep track of what is going on with my money. I plan on releasing it as OSS GPL but it may be a year or so. I have so many other things. Granted i will be using it before the year is up, but we will see.

If you have a mortgage or are looking at purchasing your first home i strongly recommend reading this book. The information in it's pages will save you thousands of dollars on your mortgage.

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